Friday, September 15, 2006


I'm sorry my blog has *S-U-C-K-E-D* lately. I've been in kind of a slump. Life has been...shall we say, disappointing recently, and my brain just refuses to come up with any kind of interesting, coherent thought.

Case in point, last night I ended up watching about an hour of Punjabi TV.

You know those cable music channels on TV? Sometimes I check out the opera channel just to see what's on, if it's an interesting recording that I don't have. I don't know which channel it is, it's somewhere in the 600's, so I just flip to 600 and scroll down.

Last night I hit "page up" by accident instead of "page down" on the remote and landed on an Indian channel. There was a pretty, smiling woman in a red sari, singing and clapping. She had a voice kind of like Minnie Mouse. I gathered it was some kind of religious thing, because sometimes they would cut away from the singer and flash a picture of Lakshmi on the screen.

Next up was some kind of sports show. It looked like a cross between tag and Red Rover. Basically there were these hot, buff, young shirtless Indian guys (yeah, that's why I didn't change channels), and four of them would link arms and a single guy would try to touch one of the guys in the middle, or at least that's what it looked like. It seemed neither very difficult, complicated, interesting or fun, but hot shirtless guys trying to touch each other...well, color me intrigued!

After that was some kind of talk-show, with two rather rumpled old guys sitting across from each other. I didn't know what they were talking about and it didn't look like they were going to take their shirts off (which is a good thing) so I gave up and went to bed.

And that's kind of how my life has been.


tully said...

On the contrary- two times you have unabashedly rushed against the party current in political posts in such a way that anyone can thoroughly enjoy this blog. It is clear from these recent posts that you are not just one of the institutional[izable] Democrats. I have always known you were this way, but the confirmation is nice.

"Sucky" is not the way to describe it in the least. I just don't care much for the catblogging, as I hate cats.

Anonymous said...

what are you talking about? you're blog always sucks.

tully said...

To whom was that addressed anonymous?

samrocha said...

Your is blog is just fine, have a drink and relax...

Law Fairy said...

I know how you feel... lately work has been so nuts I feel like mine's been lacking quality control, too.

But for what it's worth, as a very very new reader of your blog, I like what I see -- and I don't have past experience to fall back on, so that's got to say something about the recent quality :)

I'm with samrocha -- have a drink and relax. Sometimes that's all it takes...

Anonymous said...

Sure, that's what we need another intoxicated blogger.
When in doubt, just post more cat pictures.

tully said...

A drunken blogger is better than a drunken anonymous commenter any day!

I could see Andy being a nice funny drunk anyways.

Gino said...

just dont be seen shirtless in front of a drunk andy.
unless andy finds a hairy man a turn off.

Gino said...

andy, there is always something to blog about.
like the drunk on the train.

life provides blogbait.

i've posted some of my best stuff when all i'm doing is sharing an experience, along with my thoughts about it.
real life is great, and you dont need to make it up.

Gino said...

oh yeah...
more cat blogging.

cats rule.
dogs suck.

any man with a cat cant be all bad.

Anonymous said...

Don't have a blog, what's your name, address, and phone #?

tully said...

Blogger requires no personal information for public disclosure, anonymous.

I would be content to merely know your name if you would just click on the "other" identity and type in a pseudonym like kr pdx does. This way you have a name to be accountable to and you won't be confused with other anonymouses that comment.

I share your privacy concerns. Notice how I started off not even disclosing the state I live in ("Good Old United States) and you don't know my real life first or last name.

Gino said...

but you paypal me i'll tell you what his name is.