Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hi, Mr. President!

As much as I am looking forward to just starting over with a new life on the west coast this spring, I freely concede that one of the great things about living in New York is the frequency of random celebrity sightings.

True, once back in high school I saw local news anchor Tracy Barry at the Canyon Road Fred Meyer, but -- forgive me -- somehow that's not quite on the same level as passing Julia Roberts in Central Park, seeing Hugh Jackman coming out of the theater after The Boy from Oz, riding in an elevator with Michael J. Fox and Alec Baldwin (not at the same time; they both lived in my voice teacher's building), or sitting in front of Kiri Te Kanawa at a movie theater (Good Will Hunting at the multiplex on 68th Street). Once I even rode in a limousine with David Boreanaz. (Long story involving other WB celebrities. He was very nice.)

I haven't any idea what I'm going to be doing for work back on the Left Coast, but it's a reasonably safe bet that whatever it is, the President of the United States won't be flying past my window on a regular basis.

Here at the national headquarters of The Homosexual Agenda, we are fortunate enough to have lovely, expansive views of Brooklyn across the East River, including the heliport at the end of Wall Street. (My view is less impressive, but I'm grateful for it nonetheless. Yes, that's the Brooklyn Bridge. Or part of it, at any rate.)

"The Decider" is in town today to "bring his economic message out from the shadows of the Iraq war," as the AP puts it, in a speech on Wall Street. Whenever he's in New York, we gather in the better offices to watch the motorcade greet the fleet of helicopters that descend on the pier. Today for whatever reason, they came straight down FDR Drive and flew so close to our building that we could see the faces of the passengers.

As you might well imagine, we simply adore the President and gave him a warm wave.


DJRainDog said...

I've said what I had to say about this latest (and any other) visit from that hateful sonofabitch in my latest rant, "Ass-Clowns Off Manhattan Now!" (The title is a tribute to the Cowboy Junkies. Oh, Canada!)

Courtney said...

Wow, Tracy Barry! Did I ever tell you I used to babysit for Scott Lynn, the sports guy? His kid had a really impressive Lego collection.

Jade said...

I saw Brenda Braxton once, at the Red Robin on Burnside (not sure if it's even there anymore... man am I getting old!) Did you know that my senior year psychology teacher was dating DB Sweeney? They must have broken up though, because he is married now and I don't think that is her...

Anyway... did you wave with ALL your fingers??

N. English said...

Was it the one finger salute or the two cheek ciao? Hopefully both.

Has anybody else noticed that if you put the phrase "I'm the decider, and I decide" into the mouth of a third world leader, it comes off sounding, well, rather dictatorial....

Is GW saying he's a dictator? If he is, then "regime change" isn't such an innappropriate slogan.

Law Fairy said...

I certainly hope you didn't flip him off, since flipping off apparently counts as a bomb threat now.

(Incidentally, is it wrong if these guys' rebellious irreverance kind of makes me want to sleep with them? I feel like that must mean I'm unAmerican, or something.)