Saturday, October 23, 2004

Is George Bush Who You Think He is?

Feel free to email this post to any and all Republicans you know for a little reality check. Most of these facts are from the Program on International Policy Attitudes.

Here are some sad statistics about what people who support George Bush believe. As I've always said, if Bush weren't a liar, you'd be crazy not to support him, but as it is, everything he's told us and everything the GOP faithful believe is an elaborate deception. Let's rip the wool off these people's eyes and do them a favor.

  • 72% of Bush supporters believe that before the war Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
  • 57% believe that the recently released report by Charles Duelfer, the administration's hand-picked weapons inspector, concluded Iraq either had WMD or a major program for developing them.
  • 75 % believe Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda.
  • 55% believe that was the conclusion of the 9/11 commission.

*Above statistics assembled by The Daily Misleader.

  • Bush opposes labor and environmental standards in international trade agreements. Only 13% of his supporters know that.
  • Only 20% of Bush supporters know he opposes the International Land Mines Treaty.
  • 24% know he's opposed to a ban on nuclear testing.
  • 38% understand that Bush does not want to participate in the International Criminal Court.
  • Somewhat surprisingly, after all the press, only 39% know that he is opposed to the goals of the Kyoto Protocol.
  • 47% understand that Bush is building a missile defense system.

*Above statistics assembled by The Washington Monthly.

And finally, "Asked whether the US should have gone to war with Iraq if US intelligence had concluded that Iraq was not making WMD or providing support to al Qaeda, 58% of Bush supporters said the US should not have, and 61% assume that in this case the President would not have. Kull continues, "To support the president and to accept that he took the US to war based on mistaken assumptions likely creates substantial cognitive dissonance, and leads Bush supporters to suppress awareness of unsettling information about prewar Iraq."

* "Bush Supporters Still Believe Iraq Had WMD or Major Program,Supported al Qaeda," PIPA

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