Sunday, October 17, 2004

Two Different Musical Experiences

Last night when I was coming home from the new movie "I ♥ Huckabees" and waiting for the express train at Columbus Circle, there was a young man playing Italian baroque guitar and lute music on an electric guitar. I know that sounds weird, but it was really very, very beautiful. I love that music. He was exceptionally gifted, and was making a fair amount of money and had quite an audience. Honestly, when the A train finally came I debated whether to get on or wait for the next one so I could stay and listen. (I got on, though.)

Then on the train there was a woman humming along to her headphones. Humming progressed into murmuring, and before we knew it she was belting out full voice whatever song it was she was listening to. The problem was, the woman couldn't carry a tune. At all. It was bad, whatever it was. And loud. Ah, New York.

By the way, I loved "Huckabees."

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