Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Random Memories from Hell

When I was in kindergarten, I had a horrible teacher.

Students were required to bring something in for Show & Tell. I decided I'd bring in my stuffed elephant, Bart. (Technically, BART, named after the Bay Area Rapid Transit.)

Ms. Kusmal asked me what Bart ate.

I thought I would play along and cheerfully responded, "Peanut butter!"

Then Ms. Kusmal made me stay in at recess for "being silly."


tully said...

This explains a lot...

Princess said...

I remember when I got a note from your teacher asking me to meet with her because you were "uncooperative" at music time. You wouldn't participate in the song circles where you had to do all the little hand motions along with the songs because you said it was silly. When I met with Mrs. Kusmal she said you reminded her of the son who gave her the most trouble... That's all I needed to hear to understand better. Actually, you wouldn't even do the song circles when you were 2 1/2 at nursery school. You showed them! Became an opera singer!

Jeff said...

Hey -- first a kid doesn't participate in song circles; next thing you know, it's drugs and loose women.

Anonymous said...

Did Ms. Kusmal smell like mothballs?

Anonymous said...

Because I think I might know her.

Andy said...

I have no olfactory recollections of her. I hope she got the help she needed.