Sunday, September 26, 2004

Didn't find any skeletons

I don't know what did it. Maybe it was the WaPo piece on being young and gay in Oklahoma (where the wind comes sweepin' down Oklahoma, I guess), but I was inspired to clean out my closets today.

HOLY COW is all I can say. What did I keep all that crap for? I mean, okay, the big cardboard boxes I was keeping for when I finally move out of this apartment, whenever that will be. But you know, some of those boxes moved with me to New York from Los Angeles eleven years ago. They are disintegrating. It was time to let them go.

What really frightened me were the comforters. I think I found 5 comforters hidden back there, a couple of which I don't remember at all. One of them was actually kind of okay. I mean, I would never have picked it out, it looks like I stole it from the Motel 6 in Modesto, but it's in good shape and will work nicely on the sofabed if I ever guests in wintertime. Two I kept for sentimental reasons; one was my bedspread from when I went to school in Los Angeles (yessir, twelve years was with the sheets I used in LA, too, which I got rid of since I no longer own a twin bed) and another was a soft, cuddly one my first NY boyfriend gave me back in the fall of 1994 when I first got my apartment and didn't even have a bed yet. He felt the pile of sheets and blankets I was sleeping on wasn't quite soft enough, so he donated that one to the heap.

The other two were so ugly I was ashamed that I owned them, and I put them in a large bag and will be donating them to the Salvation Army next weekend.

I also did four loads of laundry, paid my bills (and I have $75 left over!) and did the dishes. My feet are killing me. I still have to make the bed and there's some tidying left to do in the living room. It's only 6:30, I have plenty of time, but I'm not sure I have plenty of energy.

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