Monday, May 30, 2005


I thought I would observe Memorial Day by trying to remember last night.

I had a great time! I stayed out all night. Seriously! Left my apartment at like 9:15 and got home at 6 a.m. I haven't done something like that since...well, I honestly can't remember. Even back in the day when I was a little twink and I'd go to Limelight, Palladium and Tunnel, I usually left around midnight; my friends called me Cinderella. I just never enjoyed staying out very late.

I met my friends at XL, then we went to Park, got irritated with the long lines at the bar, went back to XL, got irritated with Jessye Normous and the long lines at the bar, went to Gym, got bored, went back to Park, stayed there until 4:00, then went to a diner for burgers and drama.

What was that about anyway?

Here are some random thoughts about last night, in no particular order:

Every atheist I meet went to Catholic school. Why is that?

Back-hair stubble: not okay.

Adult-baby/diaper fetish: I don't care how cute you are, that's a deal breaker. I'm sorry if that makes me judgmental.

Chicken soup, banana creme pie and diet Coke. At 4 a.m.?

I guess that guy thought that by fondling my butt in line at the bar that I wouldn't mind when he cut in front of me.

Best back-rub I've ever gotten in a bar. Hands down.

Is it "Park" or "The Park"? I know someone is particular on this subject, but I heard people saying both. I have to know so that when I talk about this night later in German I can use the correct form of the article.

Zum Beispiel: Ich habe sehr Park genossen. Ich habe sehr den Park genossen.


Anthony said...

I've no idea what this Park business is about, but may I suggest you invert the word order for the sake of elegance?

(Den) Park habe ich genossen.

Andy said...

Leck mich wo die Sonne nicht scheint.

Anthony said...

Das hätte doch der Kerl in der Schlange am Bar gemacht, oder?

Anonymous said...

I wish I could read German. You must teach me, Andy! ;-) I do believe it's just "Park", like what the neon sign says above it, implying it's a parking garage. And I loathe that place. I always have a perfectly miserable time there. A friend recently told me I must be going with the wrong people; perhaps if I were there with you, it'd be better.

Matthew said...

Und warum war (den) Park so interessant? Du sollst uns erstallen was du getan hast…

Und „Back-hair stubble” das muss ein Geschichte haben! Was ist dar los?

Anthony said...

Leute, Leute! Wenn wir weiter auf Deutsch plaudern laufen wir dabei Gefahr, viele zu befremden ...

I'm setting a good example and reverting to English. My query is this: why exactly would you need to speak about (the) Park in German?

Andy said...

Wegen “Back-hair stubble” darf ich nicht zu viel sagen; diese Geschichte gehört mir nicht, sondern einem Freund, und weil er schon einen Partner hat, muss alles ein grosses Geheimnis sein. Was im Park gescheht, bleibt im Park! Klar? ; )

Und eine Frage von mir: Warum nicht auf Deutsch über Park reden?

Park is fun because it’s a huge space and attracts probably the best-looking twenty-something crowd in the city. I can never go because Sunday is the big night, and you know, I can’t be stumbling home at 6 a.m. when I have to go to work. Can’t start my week off like that. I like going there, because there’s so many good-looking guys that my head practically spins and I wonder, “Wo zum Teufel wart Ihr die ganze Woche?”

Brechi said...

It's "Park". Love that place.

Andy said...

Hmm, okay, I looked it up in "Next" magazine. The listing is "The Park." MG wins.

Andy said...

Das bedeutet: Ich liebe den Park, besonders wenn Montag ein Feiertag ist!

Anonymous said...

maybe the guy that grabbed your ass moved in fornt of you becuase he wanted you to grab his.

Andy said...

He had no butt, I looked. Cute face, though.