Thank you for giving prominence on your webpage to this recent development concerning gay marriage.
But, what the hell is this?
I mean, it looks like The Phantom Church is attacking the double wedding of two same-sex restroom sign couples by hurling springform pans at a watermelon flavored wedding cake.
Worst. Graphic. Ever.
The Gays
Well, at least it's good news, even if you do have a point about the graphic. :)
it looks like the two dudes are doing the macarena
...or the chicken dance.
Your description is pretty much what I was thinking. But, it's as if they made the church to look somewhat evil and foreboding. Does the church not like springform pans? Oh. (Shhhh. I think it's us.)
I know, it's totally, "Look out, it's a church!" Sheesh.
Note: Courtney is referring to the New Betty Crocker International Version, which differs in some significant respects from other translations.
Those cakes look like they are made of play-doh. Maybe the springform pans are metaphorical statements about the bottom dropping out of the world if we the gays infiltrate the churches with our matching pink tuxes ...Nah, probably not ...just bad graphics.
dwan be busting on cooking!
Cory: I do love your blog, I'm so excited you commented! But..what?
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