Monday, January 31, 2005

#11: Thou Shalt Not Vinyasa

Oh, for God's sake. No wonder people look at me like a crazy person when I say I'm a Christian. People like this twit are busy giving me a bad name.

The Bible does not teach that through yoga man can attain progressive higher levels of consciousness so that man will realize he is one with God and merge with Brahman as Hinduism teaches or that man's personality can be extinguished as a flame is extinguished as Buddhism teaches. The Bible does not mention or recognize yoga or any system where man can become one with God.


Yoga is not a panacea, it is a system where man tries to work his way to God. Yoga is not necessary and all of man's works are nothing but dirty rags before the righteousness of God. Why spend one's life in bondage chasing a mirage, spending countless hours doing yoga exercises and meditating, hoping to pull oneself off samsara, the wheel of reincarnation?

I wonder what he thinks Jesus did for forty days and nights in the desert?

Swami Prabhavananda's Yoga and Mysticism lists brain injury, incurable disease, and insanity as potential hazards of wrong yoga practice.

Hmmm...haven't we heard this warning before about a certain other physical activity?

What kind of person would write such nonsense?

Michael Sherif practiced mantra yoga (meditated silently on a supposedly "meaningless" sound which was really the vehicle that drew him into a "Hindu" deity or really a demon from our Christian perspective). He was in bondage to this, in combination with hatha yoga for six years. According to his testimony this was a horrible experience for him. Yoga involvement is really an exercise in a demonic activity which is portrayed as "fun" and "healthy" that can lead to demonic possession. He experienced different states of sensory consciousness which were dark and sterile until Jesus set him free. You may read other articles that deal with witchcraft and New Age bondage at his website:

Oh. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

What the psychosis? He also said:

Meditation and yoga in many instances cause anxiety disorder. This author's experience is that the techniques result in feelings of unreality, feelings of personality disintegration, and depression. It is the author's belief that many of the so-called "advanced states of consciousness" are no more than the result of extreme sensitization, a state in which our nerves react in an exaggerated way to stress induced by the yoga/meditation techniques, producing an overshadowing sensory unreality similar to those induced by consciousness altering drugs.

Yeah, that's why millions of people do it for stress relief? If looking inside yourself causes these reactions, maybe it's time for.... gee, I don't know... THERAPY? this article is so telling of the individual. Ugh.

Rachel C.

P.S. Andy- how did you use italics?

Anonymous said...

The Bible doesn't say anything -- much* -- about cars, either, but all the so-called "Christians" I know drive to church on Sunday.
*Although there is reference to the Honda in Luke: "And they were met in one Accord."

Andy said...

I always incorporate prayer into my yoga practice and meditate on a Bible passage. Yoga has religious origins, but there is nothing religious -- let alone demonic -- about the actual practice. However, there is a great interconnectedness between the body and the mind and the spirit, and yoga really helps you become aware of it.

This is obviously a troubled and neurotic man who wrote this, and, sadly, one with very little faith, I would suspect. If he really knew and understood God, he wouldn't be afraid of a silly thing like yoga. Poor guy...honestly, what sadness he will have in his life for being so controlled by fear.

Because I am Italian, italics just show up when I want them to, with the help of Christ.

And as for the last comment, well, friends, there you go: a prime example of why you shouldn't take the Bible too literally. : )