Wednesday, June 15, 2005

More Fun with Furniture

Today a desk for one of the new offices was delivered.

Well, half of it, anyway.

Apparently I only ordered the left half.

Actually, I blame Staples for this. Why the fuck would anyone want half a desk? Why is that even an ordering option? Why didn't they tell me over the phone, "You realize you're only ordering the left half, don't you want the whole thing?"

To eliminate confusion in the future, I suggest that they revise their catalogue to show the desk in two separate halves in the photograph with big red text that says RIGHT AND LEFT HALVES SOLD SEPARATELY BECAUSE WE SUCK.


p.p. said...

lol! That's like buying a pen without ink. Oh, wait, they do that. OK, nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, they must have been operating on half a brain! It's like ordering a table and finding out that the legs are sold separately.

Jess said...

That's bizarre.