Friday, March 18, 2005

Volunteers Needed

Oh, those wacky Virginians are at it again. First it was anti-gay vanity license plates -- your first line of defense against accidental fellatio -- and now it's a whole gaggle of bizarre legislation including a ban on gay adoption.

The bill states, "No person under this statute may adopt if that person is a homosexual" and requires that the circuit court inquire as to whether the potential parents "engage in current voluntary homosexual activity."

Voluntary homosexual activity? As opposed to involuntary, you ask? Yes. See fellatio, accidental.

The best part is, the circuit court is required to ask. "Are you or are you not currently engaging in voluntary homosexual activity?"

I guess the correct answer would be, "No, your honor, I'm standing here in your court room while you waste my time and publicly insult my integrity as part of a state-sanctioned anti-gay witch hunt, by which means you intend to deprive me of my civil rights."

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I'm so fucking glad I don't live in Virginia. That place gives me the creeps.

They apparently believe that, while background checks, etc. for heterosexuals wishing to adopt are ok, to see if they are suitable or not, gay people are automatically not good people, as the simple fact they're gay precludes them from being trusted to raise children.
